We are Alex & Nate Beattie and over the past few years we have traveled across the Nordics, Europe, and the U.S.A.
We have navigated the challenges of working, living, studying, and traveling during a global pandemic.
We chronicle the triumphs and struggles of learning what it’s like to live and travel in this new world.
As software engineers, we are regularly solving tough challenges and want to shared our results with you so you can stop struggling and get back to coding!
The Problem If you are attempting to use any rule from @build_bazel_rules_apple on MacOS with a mediapipe project you may face a build error. The error will contain the following message:
Configurable attribute "srcs" doesn't match this configuration (would a default condition help?). Conditions checked: @cpuinfo//:linux_x86_64 @cpuinfo//:linux_arm @cpuinfo//:linux_armhf @cpuinfo//:linux_armv7a @cpuinfo//:linux_armeabi @cpuinfo//:linux_aarch64 @cpuinfo//:linux_mips64 @cpuinfo//:linux_riscv64 @cpuinfo//:linux_s390x @cpuinfo//:macos_x86_64 @cpuinfo//:macos_arm64 @cpuinfo//:windows_x86_64 @cpuinfo//:android_armv7 @cpuinfo//:android_arm64 @cpuinfo//:android_x86 @cpuinfo//:android_x86_64 @cpuinfo//:ios_x86_64 @cpuinfo//:ios_x86 @cpuinfo//:ios_armv7 @cpuinfo//:ios_arm64 @cpuinfo//:ios_arm64e @cpuinfo//:watchos_x86_64 @cpuinfo//:watchos_x86 @cpuinfo//:watchos_armv7k @cpuinfo//:watchos_arm64_32 @cpuinfo//:tvos_x86_64 @cpuinfo//:tvos_arm64 @cpuinfo//:emscripten_wasm This github issue summarizes the problem succinctly....
Before deciding to study abroad, I had never heard of Bergen. I would have struggled to name one Norwegian city aside from Oslo, let alone imagine that I would be living in this second-largest city in Norway. After spending five months living and studying there, Bergen has quickly become my favorite city in the world. Here is an unofficial guide and list of my favorite things for anyone who is planning to visit this wonderful place....
Some know Finland as the happiest country on earth. Some know Finland as an untamed arctic wilderness. For the past year and a half, I have known Finland as home.
Growing up in the U.S. with a Finnish mother and grandparents, I expected living in Finland to feel somewhat familiar. Instead, I experienced culture shock almost daily in the first few weeks after moving. While initially surprising, these moments have been critical keys to unlocking the secrets of nordic happiness....
Since my last post, I have traveled to Denmark, Sweden, Greece, and Italy. Many of these places I had only dreamed of seeing, and did not know if I would ever have the chance to visit. One of the benefits to studying in Europe is the ability to quickly and easily travel to many different countries. With the COVID travel restrictions in many countries weakening or dissolving completely, it was the perfect opportunity to travel around the continent....
Lost in time while solo backpacking the Midnight Sun in Tsarmitunturi Wilderness Area Reading atop my first fjäll peak at Tsarmitunturi
Many Finns celebrate the Juhannus or Midsummer holiday by going to a mökki (a small cottage), but I discovered Tsarmitunturi in a guidebook I received for Christmas that year. Tsarmitunturi is a 150 square kilometer Wilderness Area in the east part of Finnish Lapland. The guidebook recommended getting lost in time hiking without a phone or watch during the Midnight Sun when the sun never goes down....